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June 27, 2024 @ 9:00PM EASTERN

This is a live teleseminar; 90 minutes in duration; a 60 minute discussion followed by 30 minutes of Q & A. Unable to make the live event? Replay will be available afterwards for listening at any time.


Details for connecting to the event are available for download from your bookshop account and order confirmation once purchased. 



Your Liberation is at Hand!: Teleseminar with Anné Klint

  • June 27, 2024 @ 9:00PM EASTERN

    Your Liberation is at Hand! Let Your Dark Inner Goddess Lead the Way

    We don't talk enough about liberation. About true freedom. From where I stand, true freedom means having choice and the freedom to express and claim your choice. To be an active co-creatrix in the unfoldment of your life, your dharma, your destiny. Last year, while still utterly heartbroken about the death of my marriage (and honestly, feeling pretty darn victim-y about it), I heard these words pop into my head: "Your liberation is at hand."

    I could barely utter the words aloud to my inner circle of friends that day. How could I possibly know liberation when I felt so small and worthless? And even worse, how dare I dream of liberation? I see clearly now what I could only intimate then: I had started on the path of radical self-advocacy.

    I had started leaning into what I wanted and needed. And then I started ASKING for it. And piece by piece, I got what I asked for. Sometimes more than I asked for. It was hard saying NO. It was edgy saying YES and asking for more. I did it anyway. I made new muscles.

    I let the fire in my heart light the way towards my very own liberation, with my badass dark inner Goddess by my side the whole fiery way. I said YES to love. FIERCE, RADICAL, JUICY SELF-LOVE. And each day that goes by, I continue to say YES to love, to liberate my love, my power, my purpose. And so can you.


    Anné ["Anna"] Klint, seasoned energy worker and psycho-spiritual healer, thought she had her life figured out until the day hubs walked out on her.

    In a flash of awakening she realized all the ways she had denied herself and her needs, the painful codependency coping mechanisms she used to keep her shadow fears at bay and how these old conditioned patterns wreaked havoc on her health, creativity and relationships.

    Anné's path to reclaiming her Self and realigning her life has led to a bold body of work she now shares with spiritually-minded midlife women who are absolutely sick of playing small and prioritizing everyone else over themselves, and ready to Liberate their Life!

    Anné currently lives in Santa Fe, NM and when she's not writing about radical self-love and awakening, you'll find her walking her one-eyed heeler, Luna, aka The Tunes amongst the Juniper trees.


    Details for connecting to the event are available for download from your bookshop account and order confirmation once purchased. 

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