Susun Weed
Gift Card
Led by Curiosity and Wonder: A Teleseminar with EagleSong Gardener
Unleashing Female Courage: Teleseminar with Vajra Ma
Motherline, Mitochondria and the Magdalene: Teleseminar with Sarah Ellen
Tracking Motherline Medicine: One Woman's Journey: Teleseminar
Fat Follies: Teleseminar with Susun Weed
Matriarchy & the Descent of Herbalism: Heather Nic An Fhleisdeir Teleseminar
Beyond Signatures Weed Walk: Teleseminar with Susun Weed
She Rises! Archetypal Feminine: Teleseminar with Anodea Judith
Your Liberation is at Hand!: Teleseminar with Anné Klint
Estrogen, Simply: Teleseminar with Susun Weed
Kitchen Medicine: The Real Soul Food: Teleseminar with Carolyn Jones
Healing Shame: Teleseminar with Sheila Rubin
The Healing Power of Salves: Teleseminar with Thea Summer Deer
Art that Breathes: The Healing Nature of Botanical Art - Teleseminar
Menopause 101: Menopause For Beginners Teleseminar with Susun Weed
An Ancient Plant for Older Age: Teleseminar with Isla Burgess
Listen to Your Wild Heart on Purpose: Teleseminar with Kris Franken
Pathways to Healing: Teleseminar with Don Ollsin
Dr. Omni's Praxis of Pause: Dr. Chris Omni Teleseminar
Shed Your Skin - Snake Medicine and Becoming You in the New Earth: Anné Klint